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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:22:42
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return to life的意思

1. In return the egg man bought more needles and some other life necessities of such kind for Yin to sell in villages.

2. Governmental officials that embezzle " huge amounts " of public funds and refuse to return will be sentenced to terms ranging from 10 years to life.

3. But for the Libyan people the first priority is for life to return to normal.

4. He said he planned to return to political life back home after a transitional government had settled in.

5. But the flight I was to take to return to work turned out to be the longest journey of my life.

6. Which may be why middle age still ranks as the time of life to which most people over 65 would like to return.

7. Though he pines for some degree of normalcy to return to his life, he knows that won't happen anytime soon.

8. Some Uygurs in this city continued with protests Tuesday morning, while others were saying they wanted nothing more than for life to return to normal.

9. Of the six that set sail from Xiangtan, four quit one after the other to " return to normal life ".

10. The film is reported to mark a return to Zhang's earlier style focusing on human values and ordinary life.

1. And more those who make life angry is, if you want to find the autumnal scenery picture of type of hill of deciduous leaf full sky through searching engine, so you will be mad, these search engine identify semantics only, return the content that cannot analyse image.

2. His failing health, which troubled him throughout his life, caused him to return to England on convalescent leave.

3. return to life是什么意思

3. At a party given to introduce Elsa Schraeder to the Captain's neighbors, the ominous rumblings of the imminent German Anschluss begin to be heard. Some of the guests almost come to blows over the possibility of Hilter's take-over of Austria, and one of them threatens the Captain, who is firmly opposed to the Nazi regime. When Maria tries to teach one of the von Trapp boys the charming Austrian folk dance, the Laendler, the Captain takes over, dancing for the first time with Maria. During the dance Maria is confronted with a sudden realization: she has fallen in love with the Captain. In dismay, she flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy, and that the Abbey is not a place to hide from one's problems but a place in which to confront them. She urges Maria to reach out to meet life and insists that Maria return to the von Trapp household.


4. In having the day of your words, this is agony, has not thought of reading, let me lower the cruelty which enter that hell, There is no life forever, but soul is still struggling to look for you, just in order to get your pardon, unwilling to return to my body that will already pass soon for a long time...

5. Therefore, the value of playing games in pre-school education is to make education a return for life of wit for children.
因此 ,游戏之于早期教育的价值就是使教育向儿童有灵性的生活回归

6. In the evening, sated with such wealth, they return to the oilcloth and kerosene lamp that constitute the whole setting of their life.


7. She thanks the rock for saving her life and promises to return the favor one day.


8. Life, life, juniority of time, I return so of look forward to, but now then of I, Be being not so magnificent and victorious either. sad laughably as well or wretchedness!

9. As the divas return, they will call in the water necessary to cause physical life to manifest.

10. I often think when I white-haired (my current rate of hair loss, and so I am getting old and is likely to be a bald old lady, huh), the only wheelchair in the sun, my life back, I can The quiet smile in return?

11. Mainly launched from the subject and the form, first is to analyze his traditional simple subject and folk mood return; But afterproving his great skills seem be lack of skills on the language andnarrates, the artistic life is once again magnificent. Argues about thewhole demonstrate his basic style of later period.

12. Even go abroad to accomplish anything, no matter, in return, the treatment is enough to use Henry's life.

13. Every pain, every joy, every unutterably small or great thing in your life would just return to you.

14. To me, we need sacrifice and arduous efforts in return to happy life.

15. I just watch people on them now, cycling is the next best thing, I like to keep fit, the only thing missing from my life is a honest caring partner, I am looking for a partner in china because they are more loyal and caring and I can attract a younger person, people always say you to me that I don`t look my age, but reality is that I am 46, I am not on here to chat to as many female my aim is to find a genuine partner hopefully with no children and to bring her to the UK for marriage, in return this person would be very well looked after and be taken care of, I'm fun to be with and a genuine guy, I am not a sort of person that's likes staying in watching TV, I love camping, walking, and I feel that without a partner certain things just are not as exciting!


16. Always finds out me which rushes, has not hadto the distant place is not a good deed Good thought northeast looksat the ice sculpture, has a look I never has seen thing If the nextyear college entrance examination like will hope the speech, I willfill in am voluntary I to be able to fill in northeast to go Perhapsis Liaoning, perhaps is Jilin, perhaps is northwest Gansu Lanzhou Canwalk far walks far, I did not hope I return to the hometowndevelopment In my opinion obtains the achievement in the hometown theopportunity to be very uncertain, only has in outside only then canunderstand the life is unable the thing which realized

17. After 15 years, however, my life turned down enormously. I had to return to business circle and recultivated the ability of living outside.

18. I have tried to return to life at its most primitive.

19. Le die EM, life-saving care should not be too anxious to force all the blood for more than two thirds in the last rescue, like this one hit the last of blood, half blood to be careful when Le, BOSS will be skills increases blood return to a half-blood, is basically about one seconds SHUNFA luminescence time, then明教, monks, have a good red BOSS immediately points, eight array Xiaoyao also prepared, ready to attack, scattered, EM moonset blind but the blind can also be under the BOSS End or back to Canada and points to the post.

20. return to life是什么意思

20. You have shown me your intelligence; for this reason I will place in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power and authority over all land and life to guard, protect, and hold in trust for me until I shall return to you in a later day, for I am the First and I am the Last.

Teachers of middle school to return to life of geography teaching still have some problems, such as, theoretical problems, and practical operations.(中学教师对回归生活地理教学仍存在理论认识不足,实践操作把握不到位等问题。)
Gradually he was able to control the defecation and gained self-confidence. The patient took her hand and said excitedly, thank you for letting me return to life again.(自信心又重新回到病人的脸上,这位病人拉着她的手激动地说,感谢你又让我重新回归生活。)
The 1950s saw a growing number of women engaged in farm labor, even though rhetoric in the popular media called for the return of women to domestic life.(在20世纪50年代,尽管大众媒体呼吁妇女回归家庭生活,但越来越多的妇女从事农业劳动。)
The male only child expects his wife to make life easier without getting much in return.(独生子希望妻子能让自己的生活更轻松,而不要求太多回报。)
Once you have tasted life in southern California, it takes a peculiar kind of masochism to return to a British winter.(一旦尝试过南加利福尼亚州的生活,只有某种怪异的自虐狂才会想要返回寒冷的英国。)
The beak, which was created from synthetic resin, may allow the bird to return to life in the wild.(用合成松脂制成的鸟喙也许能让这只鸟重返野外生存。)
"When they see that carrier back out on the street, that's the first sign to them that life is starting to return to normal," Swigart says.(斯威加特说:“当他们看到这艘航母返回街头时,这是他们生活开始恢复正常的第一个信号。”)
Lead a return to life, Endow life with happiness.(校园主楼入口处:让教育回归生活,让生活洋溢幸福。)
"Return to life" is a new course of growing.(“回归生活”是新课程的生长点。)
This gives the appearance that the cats return to life after sustaining a fatal accidents.(这个事实给人的感觉是猫即使是遇到了什么不测也可以起死回生。)
return to life是什么意思 return to life在线翻译 return to life什么意思 return to life的意思 return to life的翻译 return to life的解释 return to life的发音 return to life的同义词